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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

more on skype

I didn't answer all the questions, so this is my second post. The ways I could use it would be for teaching choreography when the students and teachers cannot be in the same place, but can chat at the same time over a computer :)


Skype is a great program to use. The quality is good enough. It isn't the best, but it works. I don't think I would use skype in my classroom. It would not be too effective for dancing. There are other ways to communicate with technology for dance that would be more effective such as producing videos to share, etc. I didn't have any problems getting it to work. :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Downloading a video

For lesson 6, I downloaded a video off of Youtube. There are some great dance videos that you can choose from. I love how Youtube is such a great resource for dance teachers. The video I downloaded is a video that a friend of mine uploaded of a musical revue that I was in when I was in high school. A video like this could be shown to the dancers to express to them how musical theatre dance is a genre all of its own. It could also be used to have the students evaluate and critique the dancing in the show. The only problem I seemed to have was that it took FOREVER to download. I don't know if that is normal, or if there is a problem with my computer. I'm looking into that. Fair use allows me to use this video for educational purposes like I described above. However, since this is a video that I have a copy of on a DVD and a video that I was included in the production of, I have a little more leeway concerning what it can be used for.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


It was really interesting for me to read about copyrights. It is one of those subjects that you think you know a fair amount about and when it comes right down to don't. One of the things I learned that was most interesting about copyrights was the idea of fair use. I didn't realize that technically just citing an author when you quote them does not get you around copyright laws. I also found it very interesting that fair use applies to things like teaching and parodies. The exceptions to the rule surprised me.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Project 4

The Utah core curriculum in dance requires that the students have experience creating a portfolio of their dancing and of their choreographic work. Since dance is an aesthetically visual art through the use of body movement, it is difficult to get these two things across in a portfolio that does not include a video. This is an example of an assignment I plan to give my classes so that they have experience in learning how to put together a portfolio of their dancing and choreographic work. It includes critiques of them dancing, a performance, and the creative choreographic process.