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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Project 3 Ideas

For my third project, I have come up with two ideas to go from. In a Math Classroom, it would be great to learn how to use a smart board and put all the lecture notes online from the smart board in case students need extra help or miss class. The more probable project that I am going to do comes from a dance classroom. In performances, it has become very commonplace to use videos of dance. This comes from the problem that as the world is advancing in technology, the arts are becoming lost to the fast-paced easily accessible applications that we have all around us. In order to help keep the arts alive, the arts need to grow with technology. Videos of dance are not only used in performances, but for advertising, resume's and auditions. However, in order to complete a video project of dance, you have to learn to take different angles of the movement and put them together so that the dance flows naturally. I am probably going to be working alone for this project. I'm not sure if I am headed in the right direction with it, so any insight you could give would be great. Thanks :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Safe Internet Use

As Educators,
I think we need to be very conscious about what kinds of assignments we are having our students complete online. When giving out an assignment, we need to complete it ourselves first as a student might to see if we run into anything that could be a potential problem for them. We need to ensure the assignments we are giving out and information we are telling them leaves little room for sketchy internet problems. We also need to stress to them, even if we think they aren't listening, the rules of internet safety and then we can monitor their use at school if we are their teacher :)